
  1. Describe the pathologic and clinical features of the most common forms of non-infectious and infectious vasculitis
  2. Know the patient populations most affected by each type of vasculitis
  3. Know the type and size of blood vessels most associated with each type of vasculitis


  1. Advances in medical knowledge
  2. New advances in pathologic analysis


Vasculitis: What Have We Learned in the Last 50 Years? Simon Carette The Journal of Rheumatology Jul 2022, 49 (7) 848-852; DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.220207

Expert perspectives on pathological findings in vasculitis Ishizu, A. et al., Modern Rheumatology, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 1–11, https://doi.org/10.1093/mr/roac043

Histopathology of Vasculitis: Classification, Controversies, and Concepts, Mysore, V., Jindal, A. Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology 9(1):p 1-9, Jan–Jun 2022. |DOI: 10.4103/ijdpdd.ijdpdd_22_21

Core Competencies: 1,2,3,4,5,6