One (1) Category 1A CME Credit available for this course.
- Define ethics and understand how they guide personal and professional decisions and actions.
- Understand how our ethics define us as medical laboratory professionals.
- Describe common ethical dilemmas that may arise in the practice of laboratory medicine and examine their associated implications.
- Development in new technology
- Advances in medical knowledge
- New advances in pathologic analysis
- New methods of diagnosis or treatment
- Legislative, regulatory, or organizational changes affecting patient care
Cocks, M. Ethical Consideratikons in Pathology. AMA Journal of Ethics, 18:8 (2016), 761-763
Magers, MJ, Cinti, SK. Ordering Stains That Aren’t Indicated. AMA Journalk of Ethics, 18:8 (2016), 793-799
Roh, MH Shuman, AG. I Might have Some Bad News: Disclosing Preliminary Pathology Results. AMA Journal of Ethics, 18:8 (2016)779-785
Core Competencies: 2,3,4,5,6