- Describe the pathologic and clinical features of the most common forms of non-infectious and infectious vasculitis
- Know the patient populations most affected by each type of vasculitis
- Know the type and size of blood vessels most associated with each type of vasculitis
- Advances in medical knowledge
- New advances in pathologic analysis
Vasculitis: What Have We Learned in the Last 50 Years? Simon Carette The Journal of Rheumatology Jul 2022, 49 (7) 848-852; DOI: 10.3899/jrheum.220207
Expert perspectives on pathological findings in vasculitis Ishizu, A. et al., Modern Rheumatology, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 1–11, https://doi.org/10.1093/mr/roac043
Histopathology of Vasculitis: Classification, Controversies, and Concepts, Mysore, V., Jindal, A. Indian Journal of Dermatopathology and Diagnostic Dermatology 9(1):p 1-9, Jan–Jun 2022. |DOI: 10.4103/ijdpdd.ijdpdd_22_21
Core Competencies: 1,2,3,4,5,6